Today's simplified Chinese letters are written left to write with an ordinary pen. But traditionally, Chinese is written vertically with a brush. Above, a college student whom I met on Tiananmen Square, practices the ancient art.
I was a professor of curriculum and instruction at East Tennessee State University and am now in emeritus status. Currently, I teach English composition part-time at George Mason University. I have taught in Cincinnati, Turkey, China and the Czech Republic.
What does tomorrow mean? It is 5:30 pm here, but at home it’s 5:00 in the morning. I leave Weihai tomorrow and make a stop in Beijing. ...
Boy, I sure miss this place...even more my kids. I have enjoyed reading through some of your different blogs - they brought me back to China for some time.
ELIC warned us at debriefing of something I already knew, but hate to accept. They said that your friends back home aren't going to understand. They just will not get it. And they were right, of course. It is a little sad, okay very sad to me that no one really understands. They are about as interested to see my pictures and hear my stories as I am to look at their family pictures and hear about all the drama that happened over the summer - - not very.
The Lord used China to change my life. I know you understand. I would give anything to be back there now...but it is His time and His will...and as soon as I graduate - I'm gone!
:) Thanks for the few hours I got to spend chatting with you!
Blessings in the name of Jesus -
Great to hear from you! People don't fully understand the experience-- you really have to have been there. The challenge is finding the pieces of the experience that are relevant to folks in the US, so they too can have the transforming sense of how vast and wonderful our world is.
When I was in Middle School, we became friends with some Chinese Professors on an exchange program much like yours. We had the best time! They were so kind. We had them over often, and they insisted on cooking. So,we let them. Each time, it was so good, and tons of garlic...yum! We also played a lot of table tennis.
What struck me as interesting in your picture was the calligraphy. Meredith and I took an art class in college that helped explain a lot of the meaning and beauty behind it. It continues to intrigue and capture me. Thanks for showing that.
Your page on Myspace is impressive. Don't have your email. MySpace would not let me join for some reason. You can keep in touch with me on my email: gannr@etsu.edu
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