Thursday, February 15, 2007

Reentering social life

In China, my idiosyncrasies were attributed to being American. I was not expected to know all the social rules, and was given lots of credit for trying. In this country, I am more in touch with the social awkwardness which has haunted me since high school. It is always easier for me to focus on tasks, harder to navigate appropriate small talk in my own country. I know people notice. My three children say I’m a nerd, which is true, if tactless. The term, which was coined by Dr. Seuss, is defined by The American Heritage Dictionary as follows (second definition):

Nerd: A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept. I have to admit that it fits.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

We stop looking

In China, I focussed on the beauty around me. Here in America, I'd been tuning a lot of that out. I'd never really looked at the horses in a pasture right near my house, nor had I stopped to enjoy the trees on the ETSU campus.

They call it re-entry

I'd read about it, but had never fully expected it. When you've been out of the country awhile, it doesn't look the same on your return. They call it re-entry-- culture shock in reverse. You look around, and the things you see don't match the mental pictures you've been carrying around. I'd looked at, but never truly seen the horse who lives in the pasture less than a mile from my house. I'd walked right by the mugs and ETSU banners in the bookstore. I'd forgotten how questioning and creative students are in the college of education, and how dedicated in-service teachers are to interesting children in books. I didn't remember the energy of our university, nor did I remember the petty irritations.

Above: ETSU banners in the University Bookstore.
Below: Mrs. Loreen Rorex, a student in our ESL endorsement, dresses as a robot to help children relate to a story..

What does tomorrow mean? It is 5:30 pm here, but at home it’s 5:00 in the morning. I leave Weihai tomorrow and make a stop in Beijing. ...