When I think back over the year, personal happenings are intertwined with collective events . Here is my personal list of things that went on in 2008, listed in the order I think of them, which is not to be confused with the order of their importance:
Joe and I became grandparents (see previous entry).
I turned 60 and celebrated with my 87 year old great aunt in New Jersey (below) and later with my son Michael in Philadelphia.
Barack Obama was elected president.
I received tenure.
I was promoted to associate professor.
There was a horrific earthquake in China.
Ben received his Master's degree
ETSU had lots of budget cuts.
I returned to China where Joe and I helped with Olympic training.
Joe turned 65, and we had a big party.
We celebrated Autumn Festival with Chinese International Students at ETSU
The economy tanked.
The war continued.
I finally wrote and submitted my article on how the Chinese teach reading.
I had Chinese software installed on both my computers.
It's nearly 2009. Happy New Year to all!