Shortly before Joe left China, I noticed a particular item in the basket of "non-complimentary" items in our hotel. Joe had noticed it way earlier. It was a package of condoms, which could be purchased for 8 yuen-- about $1.00. In case patrons forgot to bring these articles with them, I suppose.
It makes good sense, I think. Especially when you realize that compared with other nations, China has done an excellent job of containing the spread of AIDS. Ought we do something similar in America? Availability of protection is no sanction for inappropriate contacts, after all.
Maybe this gentle reminder to be responsible would not fly in the U.S. But consider: Chinese society, while very secular is very puritannical in its own way.
I can imagine an embarrassing moment when, at the check out desk, you are asked to pay for the condoms....
Never having touched anything in that basket, I would not know how they handle this.
Well, I heard that these condoms do not really fit the Caucasian men anyway. So Caucasian visitors would probably not get much out of these "non-complimentary goods"--perhaps a baby after the tear. And I guess that defeats the purpose of it all.
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