Occasionally, one can obtain pizza here in China, though along with the cheese, one is likely to find topings such as Chinese celery, sea weed or fish. Above: members of my house church at a recently opened pizza restaurant, run by Koreans.
I was a professor of curriculum and instruction at East Tennessee State University and am now in emeritus status. Currently, I teach English composition part-time at George Mason University. I have taught in Cincinnati, Turkey, China and the Czech Republic.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I had bought a small Christmas tree for 30 yuen at the Liquin market by the university. I told myself this was for Joe's benefit-- he arrives in five days. Joe really gets into Christmas decoration. He does window treatments and lights, in addition to the tree. I didn't grow up with Christmas and seldom do any decorating at home. But here in China it is different. Looking at the little tree made me feel decidedly better in this season of strong winds and waning light.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

As I look over the blog postings, I am delighted with what Dennis is doing, and I'm appalled by the grammatical errors. Is it just poor proofreading? Do I imagine it? Sometimes I think I'm make errors similar to those students make. In Cincinnati, I learned to say "please?" when I didn't understand what someone was saying; as a resident of East Tennessee, I've begun to say "you'all" for the first person plural. When I reread my postings, I wonder if I am acquiring the local English dialect, which is influenced by Chinese and nicknamed "Chinglish"!
I continue to be amazed by the difference between American and Chinese practices. The other day, I visited a yarn shop on campus. I thought I'd knit Joe a blue and gold scarf he can wear to the ETSU games he attends so faithfully. The man spun out the yarn on a hand operated spindle (above). Then, the woman tried to give me a refresher course in knitting (below). Trouble is, the Chinese method of knitting is totally different from ours, though the product is similar. It was so confusing. I gave up trying to do it her way. Somehow I've managed to recall how we knitted when I was in the Girl Scouts.
Here in China, the understanding of Christmas is quite unusual. My students understand Christmas to be about reindeer, decorated trees, and Snow White. The Chinese have appropriated the Western customs of hanging lights, decorating trees, and in some cases, giving gifts.
I saw this dog two weeks ago in an open air market. Just a puppy. Mostly Labrador retriever, I think. He'll grow to be huge. The owner wanted to sell it for 20 yuen-- $2.50; James Zhang could probably have bargained him down to $1.00 or so. The puppy was shivering with fright. I picked him up and cuddled him. I'd have loved to have bought the dog, but reason prevailed. He would have spent weeks in quarantine; Joe wouldn't have wanted him to join our family; nor would the cats. We're not home consistently. Our absences would be hard on a dog. Even our cats when we return from a trip, and cats are more independent.
What does tomorrow mean? It is 5:30 pm here, but at home it’s 5:00 in the morning. I leave Weihai tomorrow and make a stop in Beijing. ...

The Oxford English Academy of Nanjing where I work is a class act, a proprietary school affiliated with Oxford University in England and com...
Guanxi To understand China, one must understand the notion of "guanxi" (pronounced GWAN-SHEE). Roughly translated, it means connec...
Ping pong Ping pong is a national sport here. It is played by people of all ages. Even I played it the other day. Children learn t...