Since last January, I've been trying to learn Chinese. I had about given up. But, even if you don't know the language here, you have to live. Joe and I are hosting the meeting of the house church this Sunday.
Our first task was finding the market, said to be only two blocks from the downtown Bank of China where we can use our AAA money cards. The place was called Da fu-yuen. I think it means big market. Suddenly, I saw the character, 'Da' on a building not far away. Turned out to be the right place. I was beginning to read.
Inside, with the aid of the phrase book, I said "zai nar nyo-nai?" (Where is the milk?). In similar fashion, I requested towels (mao-jin). The store clerks understood me! What had happened?
ESL theorists believe that when people acquire a foreign language in a so-called "immersion environment," there is a predictable "silent period" during which people say nothing comprehensible in the "target language" and appear to be making little progress. Some months afterwards, theybegin using the new language more effectively. Maybe that's starting to happen. Hope so.
Above: two containers of nyo-nai, beside Joe's favorite beverage, kafe.
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