Preparing to leave the country makes a person very conscious of family ties. I've sent "snail mails" to my husband, to each of my children, and to my son-in-law, and also to Emily's in-laws. Stamped letters that come in a mailbox have a charm that emails lack. Amazing how quickly they started seeming archaic.
Leave-taking also makes us aware beauty in the place where we live. The Appalachians are beautiful.

I thought I had packed everything when I realized I didn't have puppets. Joe is an accomplished puppeteer, and watching him, I realized they'd be useful for teaching foreign language. People listen to a puppet more readily than to a teacher. They will risk making a puppet sound silly rather than be vulnerable themselves.

Somehow, we squished the bobcat and snowy owl puppets into my loaded suitcase, the owl's body partly covering the bottle of wine (yes, wine) I was advised to bring as a gift. Many thanks to Marie and Dennis Cope for helping us obtain it. I have absolutely no idea how to distinguish a good wine from a bad one.

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
Roz, you have to try Czech white wine this summer and I bet you will be taking a few bottles back to the USA as souvenirs.
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