Monday, July 21, 2008

What I haven't been telling you

China is not simply a land of exotic tradition and burgeoning economic development. The country is still a military dictatorship. There is only one party, and the media are an arm of the state. The ghost of Chairman Mao and the legacy of the Tiananmen Square massacre cast a pall across this great nation. Dissent is stifled; many leave if they can. Though the Chinese keep saying "things are much better," China is still a place of repression, corruption and fear.

There was much I could not say while I was over there. But now that I'm back in the States I shall be saying it. China is opening to the world. But we must not be confused about what we see. Nor should we copy the bad points of this brave and varied nation.

What ever your political bent, celebrate liberty.Here is a link to our Bill of Rights. Take a moment to read it. Read it often. Determine to defend it. And be thankful.
Above: Images from what is now Fragrant Hill Park, home of the Chairman's villa.

The Chairman

Chairman Mao

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What does tomorrow mean? It is 5:30 pm here, but at home it’s 5:00 in the morning. I leave Weihai tomorrow and make a stop in Beijing. ...