In school Chinese children learn a song, "How I Love Tiananmen Square." The name means "Gate of heavenly peace." The plaza is China's National Mall, flanked by The Great Hall of the People and China's National Museum. Snacks and trinkets are sold here. Children run and fly kites.
Between April and June of 1989, Tiananmen Square was the epicenter of protest against the authoritarian regime, a nonviolent movement of China's youth. On June 4, 1989, the government moved in with tanks, killing thousands of people. Footage of this massacre is readily available here in the West, but the Chinese government maintains that no mass carnage occurred. This YouTube video is a short and powerful documentary. I hope you'll watch.
Someday there may be a monument on the square to those who lost their lives seeking freedom. For now, memory of this bloodbath warns against dissent. There will be change, however, though one cannot predict how soon. Oceans, earthquakes, and the desire of people for freedom cannot be indefinitely held back.
During the Olympics, the world will be watching China. The government is taking measures to deal with potential dissent before the games start while laying down a smokescreen of openness.
For Roz and the readers of Roz's blog, the most recent installment of my favorite radio show SPEAKING OF FAITH:
You can listen online or download the program to your computer.
I had of course heard of the Tiananmen Square massacre......but never knew so much detail. Thanks for educating me. I hope some day the chinese government will become more humane--- in regard to their treatment of their own people and the people of Tibet.
I was also very interested to read that the Chinese are secular and regard religion as superstition.....Very interesting blog you have here!
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