Thursday, July 10, 2008

Graven images
When I get to the top of a pagoda, I want to pray. These structures are designed to make you feel this way. But for me, this is not entirely comfortable, as many pagodas have shrines to the Buddha at the top. It's not the different religion I object to-- it's the presence of what I've been taught to view as "graven images." I am Jewish by birth and background, and in Judaism, the taboo on statues in a house of worship is strong. As I meditated, I stood at some distance from the statues and looked at the view.

Shrine to the Buddha

Wall of 10,000 Buddhas. I don't know if the number "10,000" is meant to be taken literally, but there were a lot of them.


Bo said...

I presume that the wires on top of the roof function as lightning protection.

quig said...

I think is is a string of Xmas lights!!

Roz Raymond Gann said...

Those are decorative lights used to make things look pretty at night. They are like Christmas light, actually. The Chinese love Christmas decorations, which have no religious significance for them. Once they put them up, they never take them down.

mac said...

I think some Tennesseans must have a bit of Chinese in them, as far as Christmas lights go.

quig said...

I love christmas lights (mostly)!!!

What does tomorrow mean? It is 5:30 pm here, but at home it’s 5:00 in the morning. I leave Weihai tomorrow and make a stop in Beijing. ...