Thanks to Dr. Jack Rhoton's grantmanship, and the generosity of the Eastman Company, ETSU has a new Center for Excellence in math and science. To mark its opening, a big assembly was held in Warf-Pickel Hall. President Stanton was there. So was Dr. Bert Bach and a representative from Eastman There were heads of school districts, heads of departments. Even Senator Lamar Alexander came. We were asked to stand by departments and be "recognized." There was punch and cookies, and lots of speeches. The speeches were rather curious-- everyone was glad the center was opening, and thought it was a good thing. Everyone said the same thing. When I used to go to such programs, I wondered why no one said anything original. But now I understand. This was a CULTURAL CEREMONY. Important people come, everyone is recognized, the most important people talk, and that's how we show the venture is important. Above: Dr. Rhoton addresses the crowd. Dr. Stanton is to his left. Below: A Chinese dr
agon dance-- a ceremony in another culture..

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