Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Every trip is different

Most of my trips to China have been for the purpose of teaching, and I’ve traveled solo, or else with my husband, Joe.  This time, I’m part of a delegation composed of   Dr. Angela Lewis, our Dean; Dr. Norma Hogan, Chair of Curriculum and Instruction and myself.  Dr. Hogan’s husband Eddie is along with us doing photography and logistics. Our goal is arranging academic exchanges with three institutions, and while Drs. Lewis and Hogan outrank me, I am the one with the longest experience in China. I’m also the only group member who speaks a bit of Chinese, so I do a lot of the planning and interface.
There’s been the usual round of meetings and sumptuous hospitality.  Below Dr. Lewis is pictured with North China University of Technology vice president Luo at our opening banquet.   

 We’ve also had a chance to do a bit of sightseeing despite the cold, and we’ve been reconnecting with former students.   Li Songshu, second from left, a graduate of our educational media program, now works for a university here in Beijing. Tang Yingjuan, far right, is a graduate of our MAT program, and runs the International Office at North China University of Technology.  

Other than cold, the chief SNAFU on this trip has been sporadic Internet access, but I’ll do my best to stay in touch.  


Renee' C. Lyons said...

Great pictures! So happy you all are enjoying good company and good prospects!

Renee' C. Lyons said...

And, where's your pic, Roz? :-)

What does tomorrow mean? It is 5:30 pm here, but at home it’s 5:00 in the morning. I leave Weihai tomorrow and make a stop in Beijing. ...