Speaking of his own vices, the Rev. David Woody once preached against Reese Cups. This past Sunday, Rev. Michelle Buckles spoke of how people go on diets this time of year. She didn't say we should, mind you, but hearing a ministers mention dieting made me consider how we associate dieting with morality. When someone eats salad for lunch or oatmeal for breakfast, or abstains from desserts, people will say they are being, "good." I imagine, many people in my church consider hot fudge sundaes a greater evil than white wine. Sundaes are certainly more fattening.
When I was twenty years old, I decided to be baptized. But first, I went on a diet. I must not have thought it was fair giving my life to God when I wore a size 14. I thought a follower of Jesus should wear a size 8. My understanding of theology was definitely limited. I finally compromised and was baptized when I'd gotten down to a size 10. The dress was an A-line and ran large.
To be this obsessed with the shape of one's body is a form of self-absorption. It's also a kind of self-rejection. Neither of these things is good. Some of us have lots of trouble staying thin, especially as we get older. God's the one who made us. Maybe you don't have to wear size 0 to size 8 to be part of His kingdom.
So this year, I've resolved to swim or walk most days, and to try to eat healthy. I'm also trying to remember to say grace before meals, and fast now and then-- and not so I'll wear a size 8.

That is a great piece of writing Roz.... I do hope the government doesn't get too involved in the shape of things or people... Cheers, John
Trying to do the same thing Roz....3 years ago I was down to the lowest weight since 4th grade, but I had a few stress factors that helped..lol, but it felt good!!!
So, I will try again, but more wiser this time..In fact...I hear the treadmill calling my name now.
Weight is a struggle for most of us. I tend to lose and gain 10 pounds about every 6 months and know that it's because I'm just so inconsistent in my life! I have learned to accept myself as one who will never be thin and have also come to know that God accepts me too, no matter what!
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