1. Click on comments
a. If you have your own blog on blogspot, login.
b. If you have some other type of website, you may login as 'other.'
c. If you don't have either, click 'anonymous.' Most people fall in this category.
3. Type your comments in the designated box. If you clicked the 'anonymous ' box, you may give your name in the box itself.
I'd be delighted to hear from you.
Note: Postings drop off after awhile. To see the old ones, look in Archives at the bottom of the blog.
Hi Roz,
I am just writing to see what a comment will look like.
Hi Roz,
Love your site. I'm looking forward to reading your blog for your adventures in China.
Hi folks!
Guess we can do this. Isn't technology wonderful!
Hi Roz,
This message is from my Blog account I set up the other night. Lets see if it works.
Hi Roz,
I added the picture to my profile, so I am writing to see if it shows up in our comments.
I have not had time to watch TV tonight! This is bad since I just bought a new one!
Hi Roz, I am a friend of the Copes from Minnesota and met you a few times on my visits down to JC. I will be very interested in following your adventures in China. So, thanks for letting me share the adventure with you.
You're welcome, Ruth!
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
I like it! Good job. Go on.
Roz, I love your blog. I cannot belive you wrote this 6 years ago. Crazy.
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